Superstar Salman Khan will be seen hosting actress Kangana Ranaut on the upcoming episode of “Bigg Boss 13”. Kangana arrived on the sets of the reality show to promote her upcoming film Panga wherein she essays the role of a kabaddi player. In a promo video of the episode, Salman and Kangana are seen having gala time with each other. They even played Kabaddi on the sets. Not only this, the two also got into a dialogue face off, enacting contestants like Asim Riaz, Shehnaz Gill and Sidharth Shukla. Kangana also asked Salman to narrate his dialogues while enacting one of the contestants inside the house. Before Kangana could complete, Salman starts shouting his dialogue “Humpe ek ehsaan karna” and that scares Kangana as she didn’t see that coming. “Bigg Boss 13” airs on Colors TV. (IANS)