Actress Priyanka Chopra and her pop star hubby Nick Jonas are seen dancing to foot-tapping Bollywood number “Aankh marey” in a new video, posted by the singer early on Saturday. The video posted from Milan In Italy was captioned: “Pre show dance party with my forever Valentine. @priyankachopra #valentines”. The video, shared on Instagram has garnered over two lakh views till now. In separate Instagram post, Priyanka shared a photo of Nick and called him “GI Joe”. Sharing a photo from Nick Jonas’ music concert in Milan, where he can be seen playing a guitar, the actress wrote: “My forever Valentine. He just happens to look like GI Joe in those leather pants!! #husbandappreciationpost”. Commenting on Nick and Priyanka’s post, fans showered the couple with love and wished them a happy Valentine’s Day. (IANS)