Bollywood veteran Amitabh Bachchan shared an opinion offering logic behind the Janata Curfew clapping at 5pm on Sunday, but netizens werent very impressed. On facing social media flak, Big B subsequently took down his post.
In the post the superstar shared an opinion someone sent him, suggesting that vibration caused by mass clapping can reduce or destroy potency of the deadly coronavirus.
“AN OPINION GIVEN : 5 pm ; 22nd Mar, ‘amavasya’, darkest day of month; virus, bacteria evil force at max potential & power ! Clapping shankh vibrations reduce/ destroy virus potency Moon passing to new ‘nakshatra’ Revati cumulative vibration betters blood circulation,” talking to Twitter Instagram on Monday afternoon, Big B shared.
He added in Hindi: “Someone sent this to me. Don’t know how much of this is true.”
However, after facing flak from netizens, the actor soon deleted the post.
One user commented: “I demand an apology from @SrBachchan for spreading misinformation through his Twitter account putting millions of lives at stake. #AmitabhBachchan”
Another user wrote: “Hollywood celebrities like Rihanna, Ryan Reynolds and Justin Timberlake donated millions to fight coronavirus. Meanwhile Amitabh Bachchan is sharing watsapp forward on how noise and Amavasya can kill viruses. What sham these Bollywood celebrities are.”
Big B shared a video on Instagram where he can be seen clapping his hands standing on the terrace while his daughter Shweta Bachchan Nanda, daughter-in-law Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and granddaughters Navya Naveli Nanda and Aaradhya Bachchan ring bells. (IANS)