New Delhi: The Congress has slammed the Centre for exporting masks and ventilators for 10 times than its original price and alleged that it was allowed till March 19. Chief Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala termed it “criminal conspiracy”. He tweeted: “Respected PM, This is Criminal Conspiracy! As WHO asked for stockpiling of Ventilators, Surgical Masks/Disposable Masks and Raw material for Masks/Coveralls, India permitted their export (at 10 times the price) uptill 19th March.”
Surjewala asked, “why it was allowed when the country is facing shortage of such items.”
The party attached the notification issued on March 19 by the Director General of Foreign Trade.
The Congress alleged that government only capped it on March 19 when the COVID-19 positive cases started rising.
The Congress on Sunday had demanded that personal protection equipments (PPEs), like N95 masks, gloves, face shields, goggles, head covers, rubber boots and disposable gowns, be made available to the health workers to protect them from coronavirus infection.
“We are proud of doctors, nurses and supporting staff. Special financial incentives be given to those who are risking their lives in the fight against coronavirus epidemics. The government should announce it immediately,” said Surjewala.
Stating that only 30,000 ventilators are available for 130 crore population, he said it should be arranged in adequate number for coronavirus patients. About 95 per cent of ventilators were already under use for patients suffering from other diseases, he added. (IANS)