Actor Shia LaBeouf was spotted wearing his wedding ring during a recent outing with his former wife Mia Goth. During the outing, LaBeouf wore a wedding band on that finger and Goth also had on a diamond ring and a wedding band, reports In the photos, the pair, who were both dressed casually, are sitting together on a bench outside, with Goth leaning towards the actor with her hand on his knee. LaBeouf was previously photographed wearing the ring at the Academy Awards in February. The pair first met in 2012 while filming “Nymphomaniac: Vol. II”, and Goth later appeared in a music video LaBeouf directed in 2014. After dating for nearly four years, LaBeouf and Goth married in October 2016. A representative for the actor had confirmed the pair had decided to officially part ways in 2018. (IANS)