SHILLONG: The Meghalaya People’s Action Committee against COVID-19 headed by DD Lapang, chief advisor to the government as the chairman was formed on Thursday.
The other members are H. S. Shylla, former MLA/MDC, Minister and CEM KHADC, Erwin K Syiem Sutnga Advocate, President Meghalaya People’s Labour Union (MPLU), Don Syiem, Researcher, School of Life Sciences, NEHU, Shillong, Laborious Syiem former Syiem of Hima Mylliem and Co Chairman NEDAI, Sumarbin Umdor, Department of Economics, NEHU, Lakhon Biam JHADCMDC.
Member Secretary is Meena Kharkongor, former Chairperson, State Commission for Protection of Child Rights.
The members are Sainkupar Riahtam former Deputy Director Horticulture, Meghalaya, OL Warjri CEO NEDAI, Air Peace Rani, Research Scholar, Social Sciences, Krison Langstang Advocate, MDC, Afreen Begum, Advocate, Treiborlang L. Jyrwa Advocate, Naba Bhattacharjee Environment Safeguard Specialist, Bijoy Sangma Research Scholar Management, Albinus Lamurong, President MPLU Jaintia Hills District, Anup Ganguly Director, Financial Services Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, Chief Financial Adviser NEDAI, D. M . B. Baruah, Medical Consultant NEDAI.
The following numbers can be contacted for information – 919089222272, 919863610803.