Srinagar: While shocking visuals of traffic rush emerged on Wednesday, the most of Jammu is following the lockdown in letter and spirit with women helping at some places. At Chatha, 10 kilometres from Jammu, women in small groups have been out on the roads for many days helping in enforcing the lockdown. With sticks in their hands they are stopping the occasional violators and politely turning them back. “We have taken an initiative to make people aware that it is a dirty virus, if it spreads then it will be difficult to control it,” said Gurmeet Kaur, a former sarpanch. The women are alongside police to stop lockdown violators and help prevent the deadly disease from spreading in Jammu and Kashmir. “The women have come together to contribute our bit, the administration and police are doing their job, we must also help and come together to deal with this disease and fight the war so that it is defeated,” said a woman guarding a road. There were a total of 300 corona positive cases in Jammu and Kashmir including 54 in Jammu region and 246 in the Kashmir Valley. (IANS)