Itanagar: Arunachal Pradesh Governor B D Mishra on Sunday complimented the people of the state for successful implementation of the lockdown, besides taking all precautionary measures in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.
The governor appealed to the people to continue to follow the lockdown restrictions in the right spirit till it is mandated.
Thirty five days have now elapsed since the nationwide lockdown was announced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. I am sharing with you with a great sense of satisfaction that our great nation and all its citizens are very well fighting this most difficult battle in recent human history.
In addition, we are also providing support to other countries at regional as well as global level,” he said. My government under the leadership Chief Minister Pema Khandu has taken all measures to keep the state free from the virus. Tomo Riba Institute of Medical Sciences & Hospital (TRIHMS) has been designated as the COVID-19 hospital.
Necessary preparations by way of purchase of ventilators, PPE, quarantine facilities have been made to meet any contingency, Mishra said in a message.
He said joint teams of the magistrates, doctors and police have been deputed at check-gates to screen all entrants. “My government has sufficient stocks of essential ration and essential supplies. , Mishra said. (PTI)