Sunday, March 9, 2025

How did Covid19 enter Meghalaya?


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With respect to the headline (“Family friend of Sailo third time positive” ) (ST May 6, 2020) mentioning about the index case’s last positive contact test still being positive why is there a paradoxical reportage or non-clarification as to how the index case contracted the COVID 19 infection?

Epidemiology does not focus only on the working towards ending an epidemic but also as how it began. If one does not learn from the lessons of past epidemics we are bound to see a resurgence of a second wave.

Yours etc.,

Dr. Reuben Lamiaki Kynta

Assistant Professor,

Cardiothoracic and Vascular Surgery


Let’s not violate social distancing


The news item ‘Lockdown in ‘Orange Zone,’ Shillong Is It?’ (ST May 6, 2020) carried two images in the front page; one of a traffic jam and the other of people violating social distancing at Police Bazar. This is alarming! Social distancing was completely violated. Well, it may not be wrong to point out that this was the case in almost all the localities in Shillong when the lockdown was relaxed for a few hours for a few days in a week a month ago. The State Government had to seek the cooperation of the Dorbar Shnongs who had volunteers to help keep watch and see that social distancing was maintained.

The world is passing through very difficult times. In fact for those of us who lost our near and dear ones, and those who are infected by this deadly virus, life will never be the same. To control the spread of this virus, countries across the globe are on lockdown and citizens are strictly asked to maintain social distancing. At the same time, all are aware that the lockdown is taking a toll on the economy of the world, the country and even the individual. People are eager to get back to their normal lives, though what would the new /changed normal life be, only time will tell.

The virus does not discriminate and therefore spares none. Thus every single individual must act sensibly and responsibly. While the governments, both at the state and centre are there to help find ways and means to keep people safe, we as individuals have an even greater task at hand. To keep ourselves safe, to keep our family members safe, to keep our front liners safe can we be more disciplined? Can we be more concerned about the good of the self as well as the others? An old adage says; God helps those who help themselves. Can we help ourselves and in the long run help our fellow human beings?

Yours etc.,

Jenniefer Dkhar,

Via email

Online education


During this lockdown, some schools and institutions have started online education. This type of education system breaks the barriers of distance between learners and teachers. Online education plays an important role in spreading knowledge and skills to everyone in an easy way. Government should take note, regulate and encourage online education, so that it’s benefits are passed on across the country.

Yours etc.,

Amit Singh Kushwaha,

Bhopal (MP)

Injustice at the time of a pandemic


The lockdown following the Corona Virus pandemic is creating chaos and uncertainty on the fate of students but in North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) we are faced with a double whammy. On May 5, the HOD of Political Science Department, Prof H Srikanth was divested of his post of HOD on the pretext that he had not submitted the report on online teaching to the Administration in the official format.  Prof Srikanth has always stood for the welfare of students and it is right that as a student I should demand justice. The present VC, had requested an information data and feedback from departments with respect to online classes for completing the syllabus. He particularly wanted details of students and their gender. Online classes are advantageous for those that have access to internet connectivity. But not all students have access to high speed internet. This creates a divide and anxiety among those that do not have internet access.

Unreliability and inconsistency arises when network connectivity is inconstant and since the majority of students are from remote areas with this problem is exacerbated. Teachers and students have tried various social media platforms to interact with one another as the regular mode of interaction is not possible due to the lockdown. The professors have been uploading study materials regularly and also asking for the reviews from students. They have been doing their best in helping the students cope in these difficult times. As per information, the Department had been submitting weekly reports on the online classes in descriptive form. But they were unable to submit the reports according to the online format because it asked for the exact number of boys and girls attending these classes. The online classes taken up by the Department were not on live video streaming format because nearly 50% of the students from the North East India do not have the required internet speed.

The students had suggested that the professors send them materials instead of live video streaming. Platforms such as You Tube, Google classroom are being used. Regarding the attendance of students this is mission impossible. Further, why does the issue of gender come into the reporting format?  Professor Srikanth’s failure to submit false reports in official format had resulted in his removal as the HOD. The action taken by the VC against an eminent Professor is a cause of concern. The VC, it seems, does not care about the problems of the students and the teachers but only wants the reports in official format so that those can be forwarded to the MHRD.

The Administration  is pressurizing both the teachers and students just to comply with the MHRD requirements. The VC needs to understand that online classes are an option only if all the students hail from urban areas and have no problems joining these online classes.  But in the North East where there are so many developmental issues, compulsory online classes will be discriminatory to many who cannot access them. Hence the action against the Professor is unethical and unjust. As a student I feel that he should be restored to the position of HoD.

Yours etc.,

NEHU student

Name withheld on request


Plight of curfew pass applicants


Amid the COVID-19 lockdown, I appreciate the efforts taken by the District Administration, East Khasi Hills, to issue vehicle curfew passes to enable people to meet their respective requirements (essentials services, deliveries, etc) within a specified period. However, I wish to draw attention to the plight faced by many of the curfew pass applicants, who have applied, for instance, for 14 days but are being granted just 3 to 4 days.

This is indeed vexing and burdensome for the applicants, given that they have applied on genuine grounds with the intention of not burdening themselves or the DisVol No: LXII No.265 SHILLONG, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 2020 TO THE EDITOR trict Administration by constantly re-applying or renewing their passes after such short intervals.

 This is a matter that needs to be reviewed. I therefore request the curfew pass issuing authorities to take a pragmatic view of the matter and to be generous with the number of days they issue passes to different categories of applicants. This will reduce the workload of the issuing authorities and also the applicants that genuinely require the passes. The time saved could, in fact, be used to scrutinize new pass applications so they can be promptly issued.

Yours etc;

 Name withheld on request, Shillong.


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