Mawkyrwat: The construction of a quarantine centre at Madan Sohtyllang in Rangblang, South West Khasi Hills was completed on Sunday to welcome locals from the area who will be coming home from different parts of the country.
9 villages from Rangblang area have joined hands under the umbrella of the Joint Action Committee (JAC) to urgently build a quarantine centre at Madan Sohthyllang on May 13.
The chairman of the JAC COVID 19 Rangblang Area, E. Iawphniaw informed that the JAC has urgently prepared the quarantine centre after learning from parents that about 11 students from the area who are studying outside the state will be back home in the coming days.
Iawphniaw also said that the JAC has taken the initiative to build the hut because most the families have no space for home quarantine and also to ensure that those coming from outside do not mix with the villagers.
Apart from the rooms, the JAC has prepared toilets, electricity, water supply and volunteers to look after the centre. However, the parents should be responsible for food for all the returnees.
Iawphniaw also said that Rs 3 lakh which was spent on building the centre was donated by JAC members from all the 9 villages including well-wishers.