Rapper Iggy Azalea, who recently gave birth to a baby boy, has named her son Onyx. The Australian artiste, whose real name is Amethyst Kelly, confirmed the birth of her little one in June on social media, a month after she became a mother in secret. Azalea shared an audio clip on Instagram of her chatting with her son, which she titled: “Amethyst & Onyx”. “Baby boy, are you going to say something to me?” she can be heard saying in the audio with her son cooing to her in response. Despite rumours circulating last year that she was expecting, the “Fancy” hitmaker never confirmed her pregnancy. When she revealed the birth of Onyx, Azalea said she was “waiting for the right time to say something” as she wanted to keep her son’s life private. “… but it feels like the more time passes, the more I realize I’m always going to feel anxious to share news that giant with the world. I love him beyond words,” she added. The rapper has yet to share the date of birth of the child or who the father is. Azalea has been linked to fellow rapper Playboi Carti, whose real name is Jordan Carter, since 2018. (PTI)