Sunday, July 7, 2024

The Race for Space


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By Maitphang Syiem

The skies have always fascinated mankind and it’s a dream that can never end as it has always kept humans questioning about the enthralling galactical space. The quest for space may be a new thing as it appears to us the common lay people but it is a centuries old journey right from the times of Aristotle, Galilleo, Copernicus and many ancient scientists back then. The current development is the precedence and evolution of scientific ideas and methods which they had established before. Let us recollect how the Soviets started it first when they launched Sputnik the first artificial satellite and also sending the first humans into space. The Americans felt that they too should be in the race, so they started their own program when they sent probes into the lunar surface and eventually putting humans into the moon. The words of Neil Armstrong the first man to step on the lunar surface on  July 20, 1969, “One step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” is truly sensational  and since then there was no stopping for mankind in the quest for the galactical space ever.

Space exploration and applications by humans have evolved from time to time and the extent to which the technology that mankind has developed can perhaps even conquer the farthest stars and galaxies of the universe and as we all know that space technology for possible life exploration in Mars and other planets are in continuous process of development by the best brains of the world. We may never know, human settlements in other planets can become a reality in the near future.

Mankind has always been in the mission to gather knowledge about the oceans and the depths of the earth, but the mysterious skies have always been a big subject of focus where perhaps all resources are put into. As common lay persons we may ask ourselves why everybody else is venturing into the space, and what does it have in store for us. There can be many scientific reasons, however, let us understand in lay person’s terms that when we are on top we can always have a bird’s eye view and of course an upper hand in controlling. So the same logic goes as to why we are sending rockets, satellites and probes in to the skies.

Many developments have taken place in this domain and technology has become smaller and faster. Can we imagine that our smart phones have a processing power that is million times faster than the processing power of the computers in the 1950’s to launch the space shuttle and rockets into the sky? Space Technology and Space applications has accounted for many things and has brought many benefits to mankind in many fields such as Agriculture, Homeland Security, Defence, Satellite Navigation, Disaster Management, Radio Communication , Telecommunication, Weather monitoring and forecasting, Atmospheric and Environmental Applications, Forestry etc; the list can go on.

Let us recollect some of the recent examples; the IMD reported about the landfall and the movement of tropical cyclones before time. This was possible through the satellite probes that were placed in space. The GPS locations on our smart-phones  assisting us when we are commuting is because of the metal eyes that are sending us the signals from above , estimation of forest cover  manually  would take years  to complete but with the earth observatory satellites the job could be completed in less time, telemedicine and tele-education are all possible because of the space based technologies and in particular ISRO has a space based education program  with a dedicated satellite called EDUSAT (GSAT-3) wherein education programs are telecast through two way satellite communication which  has benefitted the masses. Space based technology is one area of development which perhaps our controlling authorities may look at more specifically as it can offer holistic solutions to various areas of development which is of interest for the state and also solutions to issues and challenges. No doubt there has been small developments in this domain but there is more for us to explore, therefore this calls for our controlling authorities to introspect on the potential of the technology that we are yet to completely utilize.

On the other hand we may wonder as we read this and may even perceive that such technology is only available with the rich nations but the perception is no longer valid as many nations have adopted space technology. Let us also inform ourselves that since the inception of the Indian Space program, our country has left no stone unturned and it has progressed by leaps and bounds. It is a matter of pride that India has the best brains in this domain. We are ranked fifth in the world in terms of Space Technology/Geospatial Technology and Earth Observatory Technology. We have successfully conducted moon and mars mission, we have a fleet of launchers, IRS (Indian Remote Sensing Satellites) and also an indigenously developed Navigational System called the Indian Regional Navigational Satellite System (NaVIC) and our progress is in continuous mode. Huge credit goes to the founding patrons Vikram Sarbabhai, Dr Homi Babha, EV Chetnis of the erstwhile INCOSPAR back then and now as ISRO to have established the strong foundations for the Indian Space program.

Looking at the recent developments, the race for space is indeed becoming a hot topic for everyone worldwide. We have seen the recent trends such as the space launches of Elon Musk’s Aerospace Company SpaceX, Indian Telecom Giant Bharti Airtel acquiring a UK based satellite company OneWeb to name a few. As such we can see that private players have immensely contributed to this domain. With respect to the Indian Space program, right from its inception, the program has been confined to the government but now there is paradigm shift which is a very positive sign of development. In its recent notification the government has opened its doors for budding Indian private space start-ups and entrepreneurs to this domain, which will definitely be a huge contribution to the nation. This step taken by the central government will boost the young Indian minds to venture into an important technology which is of national importance and perhaps also do away with brain drain. This also goes very well with the concept of “AtmanNirbhar” or self reliance. Young Indian minds are willing to put their best if the government opens up equal and transparent opportunities and gives them the facilities to explore. The recent decision by the central government is indeed a noble step. Our controlling authorities may perhaps look into the avenues available, On the other hand, there is a need to familiarize the younger generation with space based technologies perhaps through a comprehensive and interactive education system in both rural and urban areas to understand that there are so many career options. In fact a career in space applications and space technologies is definitely enthralling. This write-up also seeks to enlighten the young readers and to inspire interested minds.

To conclude, the former US President John F Kennedy once said “The exploration of space will go ahead, whether we join it or not. It is one of the great adventures of all time, and no nation which expects to be the leader of other nations can expect to stay behind in the race for space.”

(The writer is a Geosapatial Technology Expert and can be reached at [email protected])


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