New Delhi: India’s drug regulator has cancelled the rapid diagnostic kit import licenses of three firms and suspended that of 16 others saying the USFDA has removed the manufacturers from their list of coronavirus serology test kits with directions that they should not be distributed.
The three firms are Cadila Healthcare, MDAAC International and N W Overseas while the 16 companies include Transasia Bio-Medicals, Cosmic Scientific, Inbios India, S D Biosensor, Accurex Biomedicals, Biohouse Solutions and Trivitron Healthcare among others.
The companies were issued a show cause notices on July 17 asking why their import licenses shall not be cancelled since the diagnostic kits of the manufacturers have been removed by USFDA with direction that it should not be distributed from the list of product of serology test kits for COVID-19 disease, according to an official order by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI).
They were directed to submit their reply by July 20, failing which it would be presumed they have nothing to say in the matter and action deemed fit will be initiated under provisions of the Drugs and Cosmetics Act.
“Your response to the show cause notice has not been found satisfactory with respect to removal of said kit, by USFDA from their list mentioning not to distribute,” the DCGI order issued to the 16 companies on July 21 stated. “However, it has been mentioned by you to not to cancel your said import license for the above product. (PTI)
Import licenses for rapid diagnostic kits of 3 firms cancelled, 16 suspended
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