In a fight against novel coronavirus, the researchers have developed a free mobile app which will allow scientists to investigate the use of wearable devices and smartphones for digital detection of Covid-19. The research team has created the ‘Mass Science’ app that allows Covid-Collab study participants to connect wearables, such as Fitbit devices, and share data including heart rate, activity and sleep.
Participants can also use the app to provide information on geographic location, mood, and mental health in addition to Covid-19 symptoms and a diagnosis if they have tested positive for the disease.
“With a lack of information on who is infected in the population, especially asymptomatic, we are investigating how wearable data can be used to detect Covid-19,” said study lead author Amos Folarin from the King’s College London in the UK.
“Having a cheap, continuous digital test for infection could be a game-changer,” Folarin added. According to the study, with the help of the app, the researchers will analyse the data including heart rate and activity when a participant reports feeling ill or tests positive for Covid-19.
By looking for differences in the data during the time of reported illness compared with their normal healthy periods, they aim to develop a potential digital test for early warning signs of coronavirus. (IANS)