Director Bejoy Nambiar, who has made films in Tamil, Malayalam as well as Hindi languages, says south Indian film producers are more willing to take risks with experimental storytelling than most of Bollywood. “I think producers in the south Indian film industry are more willing to take the risk with an experimental story, with different formats, and styles of storytelling. Whether it is the actors or the technicians, they are constantly experimenting with stories. In the Hindi film industry, it is different. I am not genaralising, though. I would say in the south Indian film industry, people are gutsier,” Nambiar told IANS. His latest effort, “Taish”, has released in film as well as web series format in Hindi, and in the past he has made the film “Solo” in Tamil and Malayalam, while “David” released in Hindi and Tamil. (IANS)
South producers more willing to take risks, experiment: Bejoy Nambiar
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