Sumesh Kumar Roy lodged a complaint that on December 15, three unidentified persons assaulted him at Step By Step School, Malki. As a result, he became unconscious and later woke up to find his two mobile phones missing.
Seng Longkmie Saisiej lodged an FIR against MeECL for trespassing and erecting electric pole on a private land at Saisiej village under Mawdiangdiang OP, East Khasi Hills.
Hazel Sawian lodged a complaint that on December 16, around 6.50 am, as per CCTV footage, miscreants broke into her residence at Lachumiere, Shillong, and stole bathroom fittings valued around Rs 10,000.
Wallet stolen
Nahal Tongper lodged a complaint that on December 16, around 10 am, miscreants stole his wallet containing cash Rs 20,000 and valuable documents while he was boarding a bus at Police Bazar.