TURA, Jan 11: Allegations have been made against the Nokma of Rongalgre A’king under Chiading Police Station in West Garo Hills of attempting to sell off land belonging to villagers under the a’king to the BSF for the purpose of setting up a camp.
The said A’kingland comes under the Bolwari Clan.
Videos of angry villagers removing flags reportedly put up by the BSF to demarcate the already sold land and taking them to the Chiading Police Station have also gone viral in social media Facebook. The videos which were reportedly taken on January 9 also show the villagers vehemently protesting and firmly resolving that they would not allow their lands to be taken at any cost.
According to the social media post, this is not the first time that such an attempt has been made by the Nokma. In 2019, the Nokma had allegedly also tried to sell off lands under the A’king to the SF10 but the same could not take place after the villagers protested.
Meanwhile, one Tony Bolwari Marak on behalf of the villagers has written to the administrator of GHADC raising strong objection against the act of the Nokma.
“The Nokma has taken the decision on his own without consulting the clan members and other stake holders. We want to make it clear that we do not want the establishment of a BSF camp, SF10 or any other department under the A’king. We urge you to take necessary measures to prevent such proposals from your end and the same may be done at the earliest,” Marak on behalf of the villagers said in his letter.