Hollywood star James Marsden says shooting a project about a fictional pandemic amid the ongoing Covid outbreak was eerie. Marsden shot parts of his latest show “The Stand”, which is based on Stephen King’s bestselling novel of the same name, over the past months. Asked how it feels to be part of a story that was written some 40 years back and yet bears resemblance to the current situation, Marsden said: “Surreal is the adjective I was looking for. It’s true. “He wrote the book in 1978, and it is like he had a crystal ball. He has always been curious about the choices that humans make, and what gets under their skin and the psychology of, good versus evil and what scares us. I don’t think he anticipated that we would be making the series right in the middle of what we are going through. It is unfortunate timing,” he added. The star continued: “You know, we were in Vancouver, shooting for the show in September (in 2019), and we started hearing about Covid in December, and the January (2020). It wasn’t until the end of February that we started seeing masks popping up on set and hand sanitizers, and everything. It was an eerie feeling.” (IANS)