Ranveer Singh has revealed the fun side of Rohit Shetty by sharing a hilarious video where the film maker is driving a clown car. The actor on Friday took to Instagram to share a fun moment from the sets of his upcoming film, Cirkus. The video starts with Ranveer introducing Rohit as “the most serious stunt director of the country”. It then shows Rohit driving the clown car, and taking a round. In the end, the filmmaker realises that Ranveer is making a video, and exclaimed: “Abbe tu shoot kar raha hai? (are you shooting this).” The video does not feature Ranveer, but he is heard having a good laugh behind the camera. “Takes his job very seriously @itsrohitshetty,” Ranveer wrote while sharing the video. Cirkus is an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s play The Comedy Of Errors, with Ranveer essaying a double role. It also stars Pooja Hegde, Jacqueline Fernandez, Varun Sharma, Johny Lever, Sanjay Mishra, Siddhartha Jadhav, and Vrajesh Hirjee. The film is set to release in the winter of 2021. (IANS)