Mumbai, Sep 20 : Continuing its probe into the terror module busted by the Delhi Police last week, the Maharashtra Anti-Terrorism Squad (ATS) on Monday said it has arrested one more suspect from Thane’s Mumbra town, while another is absconding and is now wanted.
The ATS nabbed Rizwan Ibrahim Momin and charged him under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA) for criminal conspiracy, along with the others, to carry out terror strikes.
Momin’s name cropped up during the interrogation of Zakir Hussain Shaikh, who was arrested from Mumbai’s Jogeshwari suburb on Saturday for alleged links with the 6 accused nabbed by Delhi Police Special Cell last week.
The ATS suspects that the duo of Shaikh and Momin was in touch with their handlers in Pakistan, and have also lodged a terror complaint against another absconder, identified as Anthony alias Anwar alias Anas, stated to be abroad.
The ATS said that after learning of Shaikh’s arrest, Momin disposed off a mobile phone on which they used to communicate with each other.
After securing details of his involvement, the ATS swooped at his Mumbra residence and nabbed him Sunday.
During his questioning, Momin revealed that he had destroyed Shaikh’s mobile phone which was recovered in three pieces from a drain near his home. Further investigations are on. (IANS)