Speaking during once such programme at Emangre Village on Wednesday, Chief Judicial Magistrate of the district South Daniel S Marbaniang ellaborated on the concept of ‘Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav’ , the achievements and the success in terms of overall development in the country for the past 75 years as well as the role of the youths towards its contribution.
Marbaniang also called on the youth to enroll themselves as para legal volunteers to serve the local residents.
District and Sessions Judge Gasalynn Rani in a separate programme at Masighat dwelt on the role of District Legal services Authority, Role and functions of Legal Aid Counsel’s (LAC) etc. She added that every citizen has the right to get free legal aid from the District Legal services Authority and urged the people to avail the free legal aid services whenever there are rape victims or Domestic violence within the society.