New Delhi, Dec 18 : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) said on Friday that it has registered one more case against 25 persons in connection with the post-poll violence in West Bengal.
A CBI official said that the agency lodged the case following an order issued by the Calcutta High Court.
The accused persons, who were reportedly carrying deadly weapons, had attacked the house of a man in Jatra village in Birbhum district. They had reportedly vandalised the place and brutally thrashed the head of the house, and even attempted to sexually assault his wife. The woman had set herself on fire in order to save her honour. The local Police reportedly didn’t even lodge a case.
The victim along with his family reportedly left the area and took shelter at his relative’s place.
The CBI has so far registered 49 cases in connection with post-poll violence in West Bengal. (IANS)