Mumbai, Jan 8 : Actor Prateik Babbar, who was seen in urban comedy show ‘Hiccups & Hookups’, recently recovered from Covid after a long and tiring battle. The actor took to Instagram and shared a long note detailing his experience through the recovery.
The actor shared a picture of himself posing blanked out for the camera, He wrote, “So here’s a fun fact (not)??.. precisely one week ago.. on the very first day of this very new year.. I contracted the infamous coronavirus.. talk about a positive start to the year.. I’ve been isolated in my room ever since (sic).”
“I back tracked with all the people that came in close contact with me & had them tested.. fortunately i passed it on to only one person.. who’s been recovering.. slowly but surely (sic).”
Describing his experience of being hammered by the bug, he wrote, “the first 3 days of high fever felt like absolute death.. but then it just felt like recovering from a never ending bad flu.. slowly but surely. And now I feel almost a 100 pc…Almost.”
He looks at the coming days with a sense of optimism, “The plan is to get back to life on the coming new monday.. re energised, reborn reset and ready to make #2022 my year.. I’ve been dodging the virus for 2 whole years but it finally got me.. which only proves i’m not an alien (sic).”
He ends his note with a word of caution urging people to exercise caution in the face of the third wave, “My advice to everyone is to double mask up and follow all the coronavirus protocols thoroughly…this virus drained the life outta me.. so y’all dam straight take it seriously.. another one bites the dust.. but the dust has gotta settle.. & so it is.. slowly but surely.. #2022 #beastmode #leggo.”(IANS)