Mumbai, April 21 : The reality show ‘Lock Upp’ hosted by Kangana Ranaut keeps throwing up stories that tug at the heart strings of the audience. One such story was shared by Saisha Shinde, who was asked by challenger and troublemaker Prince Narula to talk about the difficulties that trans women have to live with daily.
Saisha revealed how it is common for trans women to be stripped in public to prove their gender.
After making this shocking disclosure, she said: “We have to stop this injustice and we have to work together to bring about the change. That change can only come when privileged people like me come out and talk about it openly without any fear.”
Saisha also promised to donate to charity 50 per cent of her earnings from ‘Lock Upp’.
She promised: “I have decided to donate 50 per cent of what I earn from this show to NGOs working for the trans community and the charitable trusts that are run by me.”(IANS)