Monday, June 17, 2024

Hek welcomes rivals in fray


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SHILLONG, June 14: Finally, Pynthorumkhrah MLA Alexander Laloo Hek has sounded the war-horn and welcomed the move of Congress working president PN Syiem and his nephew, Rocky Hek, to contest against him for the Pynthorumkhrah seat in the 2023 Assembly polls.
Hek welcoming the challenge of his political rivals, especially his nephew, at this stage assumes significance as earlier the five-time Pynthorumkhrah MLA had refused to acknowledge Rocky Hek’s challenge while asserting that the matter would be resolved within the family.
Speaking to media persons here on Tuesday, Hek remarked that Pynthorumkhrah is an open seat and anybody from anywhere can contest the election.
Downplaying reports that his previous wins were with a narrow margin, he called every election as “different”, adding that he has been working to the best of his capacity to serve the people. “All elections are different,” Hek stated.
On allegations that the Constituency is deprived of development, Hek contended that the people have been observing for years, and based on their observance, they have been voting for him.


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