SHILLONG, Sep 16: Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma was caught on the wrong foot, drawing sharp criticism from the Opposition Trinamool Congress for failing to provide information provide information on the total number of unfilled sanctioned posts in various departments from 2018 till 2022. The House witnessed noisy scenes when TMC’s George B Lyngdoh raised the query during the question hour and the CM avoided giving the information, stating that it was not readily available. This left the TMC legislators unimpressed. Zenith Sangma said the government should be in a position to give information on the floor of the House and accused the ruling of intentionally concealing the same. The CM defended himself saying the matter was complex and any data without verification would be misleading. He pointed out that there are 63 directorates, 60 departments, 12 DC offices, 6 sub-division offices, 49 C&RD blocks and Meghalaya Houses in Guwahati, Kolkata, Delhi, Mumbai and others. Zenith accused the government of depriving youths of employment opportunities but the CM clarified that 1,040 posts have been advertisement under the MPSC while 1,015 posts have been advertised under the Central Recruitment Board. HM Shangpliang wanted to know why the Secretariat Administration Department invited applications for filling up 77 posts of casual peons despite there being 123 peons in different departments who had been appointed in 2012. The CM once again declined to reply saying that he requires a notice to answer the query.