Chief Minister Conrad Sangma has announced the recipients of the Meghalaya awards, which will be conferred on Republic Day. According to the chief minister here on Wednesday, Sweetymon Rynjah has been selected for U Tirot Sing Award for Art and Literature, Dr Jennifer Basaiawmoit for Pa Togan Sangma Award for Social Services and K Marak for U Kiang Nangbah Award for sports and games.
The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD), Meghalaya Regional Office, will on Friday organise ‘State Credit Seminar 2023-24’ during which the State Focus Paper for 2023-24 for Meghalaya will be launched. According to a statement here on Wednesday, the seminar will be organised at Hotel Pinewood Shillong and will be attended by Chief Secretary Donald P Wahlang as the chief guest among other senior officials from various government departments and banks.
South Shillong MLA and cabinet minister Sanbor Shullai will on Thursday lay the foundation stone for construction of various infrastructural projects during a programme at Lower Lumparing Dorbar Shnong Community Hall.