Shillong, April 30: After a prolonged battle with cancer, Rishi Kapoor, who made a significant contribution to Indian cinema, passed away on April 30, 2020. His wife Neetu Kapoor posted a throwback photo to Instagram today, on the third anniversary of the actor’s passing, as a tribute to the legendary performer.
One of the most adored couples in the industry was Rishi and Neetu Kapoor. However, since her husband’s death three years ago, the actress has frequently been spotted posting old photos of the two of them. The veteran actress posted a flashback photo to Instagram on April 30—the third anniversary of her husband’s passing—in order to remember him.
Neetu captioned the picture and wrote, “You are missed every day with all the wonderful happy memories”.
Many of their colleagues in the industry, including Sunita Kapoor, Rakesh Rishan, Manish Malhotra, and others, commented as well.
Along with her mother Neetu Kapoor, Riddhima Kapoor Sahni also reminisced about earlier times spent with her father.
On her Instagram stories, she shared a few images. The first one is a family photo in which Neetu and Rishi Kapoor may be seen alongside Riddhima, Samara, and Ranbir Kapoor. It dates back to a family dinner that they had a few years ago.
The second image depicts Riddhima as a young child. Riddhima can be seen posing for a photo with her father.