Shillong, July 27: The Noida Police recently apprehended two individuals involved in creating fake identity documents for Seema Haider, a Pakistani woman who illegally crossed over to India to marry her online mobile game PUBG lover. The accused, Pushpendra and Pawan from Bulandshahr, Uttar Pradesh, were caught with 15 fake Aadhaar cards in their possession.
India Today reported that interrogation of Pushpendra and Pawan, lasting three days, uncovered their connection to a larger fraudulent documentation racket. The investigation began when Seema Haider and her husband, Sachin Meena, arrived in Greater Noida to solemnize their marriage. Seeking assistance, the couple approached a Jan Seva Kendra run by Pushpendra and Pawan in Ahmadgarh, which was allegedly used as a front for their illegal activities.
During the inquiry, evidence pointed to Pushpendra and Pawan’s involvement in forging Aadhaar cards, and the police seized equipment believed to have been used in the creation of these counterfeit documents. The arrests shed light on a complex web of illicit operations, with cross-border love and the popular online game PUBG at the center of the intrigue.