The long-running sketch comedy show will premiere Season 49 on October 14, NBC announced Wednesday. Former cast member Pete Davidson will host, making good on a plan to have him host last May. The comedian will be joined by first-time musical guest Ice Spice.
The following week, Bad Bunny will pull double duty as host and musical guest. While the Grammy winner has performed on the show before, it’ll be his hosting debut.
The entire cast from Season 48 will return, along with one new addition: Chloe Troast, as a featured player.
Davidson had been set to host May 6, alongside musical guest Lil Uzi Vert, but his episode was the first to be cut after the writers strike started just days before.
The writers strike was declared over September 26 after Writers Guild of America (WGA) board members approved a contract agreement with studios.
While Hollywood actors are still on strike for most television and theatrical work, the SNL cast can resume performing as variety shows operate under a different contract.
Other late-night shows like The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, Jimmy Kimmel Live!, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver and The Late Show with Stephen Colbert have also returned. (IANS)
Saturday Night Live returns after strike, with Pete Davidson, Bad Bunny as hosts
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