Friday, September 20, 2024

Letters to the Editor


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Urgent need to improve road safety measures

I am writing to draw attention to the pressing issues of road safety in our community. The recent increase in road accidents demands immediate action to protect lives and ensure the well-being of our residents.
Despite efforts to promote road safety awareness, it is evident that more comprehensive measures are required. First and foremost, the maintenance of road infrastructure needs careful consideration. Potholes, uneven surfaces, and poorly marked crossings contribute significantly to accidents. I urge authorities to prioritize these issues to enhance overall road safety.
Additionally, there is a critical need for stricter enforcement of traffic regulations. Reckless driving, over speeding, and disregard for traffic signals continue to pose significant threats. Law enforcement agencies should intensify their efforts to ensure compliance and penalize those who violate traffic rules.
Educational campaigns focused on responsible driving behaviour should also be intensified. Creating awareness about the consequences of distracted driving, driving under the influence of liquor, and other risky behaviours can contribute to a safer road environment.
As happened on November 13, 2023 a woman by name Larisa Iawrod who was just 50 years of age lost her life in a minute as she was crossing the road at Mawlai Mawdatbaki (Umjan) due to the reckless driving of a biker. Incidents such as these prove that there are still many deficiencies in the road safety system in our city and localities.
Having strict and well- designed laws and regulations to be followed by the drivers of all vehicles and making sure that those indulging in reckless or drunken driving are punished would deter others from following the same trajectory. This would ensure the safety of pedestrians. To add to this, the already present zebra crossings are not respected by drivers and hence they of much in our community, hence making it compulsory to follow all traffic rules would bring greater safety for all concerned and would also help in minimising the frequent occurrence of road accidents.
In conclusion, I implore upon the local authorities to address the current road safety challenges promptly. The implementation of comprehensive measures, ranging from infrastructure improvements to strict law enforcement and awareness campaigns in educational institutions is crucial for safeguarding our community members from becoming victims of motor vehicles accidents.
Yours etc.,
Andy J Kharbuli.
Via email



Of derogatory remarks

I wish to refute the derogatory remarks in the letter appearing in your esteemed daily on November 14, 2023, under the name of S Singhania who seems to be all out to tarnish our family name in Shillong. We have been permanent residents of this city for the last 150 years without any blemish on our family. This letter, it appears, intends to create animosity between different communities of different faiths for selfish and ulterior motives. Right from 1897 when the great earthquake rocked Shillong and razed several buildings belonging to private individuals and to the government, my great grandfather did yeoman’s service and helped people by extending all possible help. Since then there have been instances of social service galore which speak for themselves.
Taking cognisance of this article we are filing an F.I.R against “S Singhania” who is not at all related to our family and is tarnishing the name of the Singhanias in Shillong.
Yours etc.,
Shankarlal Singhania
For on behalf of Entire Singhania Family



Water scarcity in Shillong; a daily battle for many

It is very unfortunate that this pleasant capital city of Shillong is battling with water scarcity. Meghalaya, is a hilly region and receives heavy rainfall and one would expect that there would be abundant water all around. But uneven distribution of water and lack of proper water management has contribute to the shortage. Shillong is a tourist destination and attracts many tourists. It is also an educational hub where people from other states come here to study and reside but water scarcity has made them wonder if they made the correct choice of coming to study here. In terms of water supply this city is rated below average.
Obviously rapid deforestation and change in land use patterns affect water retention and quality. Addressing water scarcity in Shillong requires a comprehensive approach, including responsible infrastructure development, sustainable land management, and community engagement to ensure a resilient water supply for the city and its inhabitants. Most people usually complain about water scarcity but what they should know is that they are also one of the reasons for water scarcity. Also, many people depend on the government to provide solutions but it is the duty of the people to take steps to solve the problem of water scarcity. It is not easy to solve the water scarcity crisis but one can start from a small point by using water judiciously at home. For instance, everyone has been taught in lower classes to turn off the tap when not in use so as to prevent wastage of water. Instead of using the shower one can shift to taking a bucket bath. People can implement either traditional or modern methods of water harvesting as it is one of the most relevant methods of conserving water.
Addressing water scarcity demands a concerted global effort. Through sustainable practices, technological innovation, conservation and education, community involvement etc., people can navigate this challenge and secure a water-abundant future for generations to come.
Yours etc.,
Sentisola Aier



Huge burden on unaccounted poor

Economists and food rights activists pointed out that more than 10 crore deserving Indians would not get the benefit of the five-year extension of the free rations programme for the poor because of the government’s failure to conduct the long-overdue population census. These 10 crore people will also be deprived of getting other welfare benefits as well. This is horrific as poor people are burdened with rising inflation, nagging unemployment and negative growth in real wages as per the Economic Survey of 2022-23.
Yours etc.,
Sujit De,
Via email

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