Police said that the seized drugs will be valued at least Rs 8 crores in the international market. Based on a secret tip-off, the police conducted an operation at Dholai area of Assam’s Cachar district near the Mizoram border.
A senior police officer said that they have recovered 1.531 kg of heroin and 460 grams of methamphetamine from the possession of the drug peddler. The drugs were kept hidden in 50 soap boxes in a vehicle.
The arrested individuals have been identified as Babul Uddin Laskar (32) and Saharul Alom Laskar (24), both residents of Cachar district.
The Superintendent of Police in Cachar, Numal Mahatta told IANS: “We have arrested one drug peddler and his one associate. Another person was involved in the drug peddling attempt and we have been looking to arrest him as well.”
He said that the consignment of drugs was probably coming from Myanmar via Mizoram.
Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sharma has also applauded the efforts of Cachar Police, aligning with his commitment to creating a drug-free state.