SHILLONG, April 2: As part of the Model Code of Conduct for the ensuing Lok Sabha elections, various seizures in the form of cash, drugs, and freebies amounting to over Rs 3.88 crore were made across the state between March 16 and March 31, the Chief Electoral Officer of the state said on Tuesday.
The seizure includes Rs 18.92 lakh in cash, over 16,206 litres of liquor valued at Rs 28.94 lakh, drugs worth Rs 1.39 crore, freebies worth Rs 48,650 and other items worth over Rs 2 crore.
On April 1 (Monday), the total value of seizure made by the officials was worth Rs 14.77 lakh, the Chief Electoral Officer said.
The state will go to polls in the first phase of elections on April 19. Counting of votes will take place along with the rest of the country on June 4.