Actor Kiara Advani, who made her debut in Bollywood with Fugly, completed a decade in the industry on Thursday. She got emotional looking back at her journey.
Looking back at her initial phase with immense pride, Kiara shared a video full of mixed emotions on Thursday.
The video begins with Kiara jokingly telling her team that she “used to do shows” for her family. She then showed them a video from her childhood wherein a young Kiara can be seen performing.
Kiara shared a video full of mixed emotions on Thursday. She can be seen cutting a huge cake with pictures of the characters that she’s played over the years. The video also gave a glimpse of several candid moments from the fan-meet
Kiara broke down in tears while talking to her fans. Along with the video, she penned a long thank you note.
The note read, “13th June 2014. 10 years and it feels like it was just yesterday.. I’m still that girl, deep down in my heart who gets excited to perform for her family.. only now my family is much bigger as each one of you is a part of it.”
She also expressed gratitude for all the love she has received throughout her journey.
Thank you for your continued support and love,” Kiara added. (IANS)
Kiara Advani gets emotional as she completes 10 years in film industry
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