Rapper Hanumankind, who recently shot to international fame with his superhit English song Big Dawgs, is set to make his acting debut in Aashiq Abu’s upcoming film Rifle Club. In the Malayalam movie, the Bengaluru-based recording artiste will play Bheera, the volatile son of a character played by Anurag Kashyap. Abu made the announcement on his official Instagram page on Sunday. “Introducing @hanumankind as Bheera. #RifleClubMovie hitting theatres soon!” the director captioned the rapper’s first look poster. Hanumankind, became a global sensation after his song Big Dawgs received a raving response upon its release on July 10. It has garnered over 57 million views on YouTube and currently ranks number 4 on the list of global top music videos. (PTI)
Big Dawgs hitmaker Hanumankind to make acting debut in Rifle Club
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