Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari’s Bareilly Ki Barfi is set to return to big screens on February 7. Starring Kriti Sanon, Ayushmann Khurrana, and Rajkummar Rao, the romantic comedy originally released on August 18, 2017 and emerged as a hit, earning over Rs 60 crore worldwide at the box office. Production house Junglee Pictures shared the film’s re-release announcement on its X handle. “This Valentine’s, celebrate love and friendship and fill mithaas in your life with our barfis, #BareillyKiBarfi re-releasing in cinemas on 7th Feb,” the banner wrote in the post. “A. With a lot of gratitude re-living the love for cinema and audience. Re-releasing #BAREILLYKIBARFI on 7th Feb 2025 in cinema halls,” Iyer Tiwari wrote on her Instagram Stories. (PTI)