Singer-songwriter Dua Lipa, who recently performed in India, had a harrowing encounter when fans snuck into her hotel and waited for her outside her bedroom door. The New Rules singer was staying in a hotel in Santiago, Chile, when fans managed to enter her private quarters, reports The British singer has been in the city to film a commercial before the security breach took place. While it is understood that Dua is unharmed following the incident, it has been reported that she has been left shaken by the experience and a reevaluation of her security is underway. As per, the overzealous fans were able to access the hotel she was staying in and get inside her room. They are believed to have been waiting for the star to take photographs, and also lay in wait near a lift in an attempt to get close to her. Security swept the hotel, which is reported as the five-star Ritz-Carlton in the South American city. (IANS)
Dua Lipa terrified as fans sneak into hotel after security lapse
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