Jowai North constituency, has also voiced the need to have daily Common Platform events. These platforms, he proposed, would allow candidates to present their agendas and engage with the public in a structured manner.
Pariat’s appeal comes particularly to avoid disruptions for students preparing for their SSLC and HSSLC examinations scheduled from February 10 to March 6, 2025. He suggested that Village Dorbars (village councils) organise daily Common Platform events. He recommended that Dorbars restrict the entry of outsiders, including individuals and vehicles from other villages, into areas conducting election campaigns or Common Platform events.
To minimise disturbances, Pariat called for an immediate ban on late-night social gatherings, feasts, loud music, and election rallies within villages during the night.
He also urged village dorbars to impose penalties for violations of these regulations in accordance with their established laws.
On the other hand, Pariat encouraged all eligible voters to exercise their democratic duty by casting their votes at designated polling stations and electing candidates who are deserving of their trust and support.