Monday, June 17, 2024


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Debate on EVMs heats up between Elon Musk, Rajeev Chandrasekhar on X

Shillong, June 16: The debate on whether electronic voting...

Anushka’s Father’s Day wish for Virat: ‘How can one person be so good at so many things’

Shillong, June 16: Actress Anushka Sharma on Sunday greeted...

Markets need correction but current momentum indicates otherwise

Shillong, June 16: After the sharp gains witnessed in...

First-ever direct flight between India and Cambodia launched

Shillong, June 16: Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Neth Savoeun...

Dharavi Redevelopment Project: Debunking myths vs revealing reality

Shillong, June 16: The allegations made by Mumbai North...

US: 9 injured in shooting at Michigan water park

Shillong, June 16:  At least nine people were injured...

Rhino killed in Kaziranga, encounter with poachers

Kaziranga (Assam): A rhino was killed by poachers who also engaged in an exchange of fire with patrolling forest guards at Kaziranga National Park. Patrolling...

Guj Cong urges Prez not give assent to land, GCTOC bills

New Delhi; Gujarat Congress on Saturday urged President Pranab Mukherjee not give assent to two controversial bills relating to land ceiling and anti-terror activities...

Pay 20 percent puja bonus: Gogoi to tea companies

Guwahati: Ahead of the forthcoming festive season, Assam Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi on Saturday asked all tea companies to pay 20 percent puja bonus...

‘Forces capable of targeting terror camps across LoC’

New Delhi: Indian Air Force chief Air Chief Marshal Arup Raha on Saturday asserted that the armed forces have the capability to strike at...

Irani calls upon Nagaland youth to make use of Modi sops

Kohima: Union HRD Minister Smriti Irani has called upon the youth of Nagaland to start having their own business by making use of the...

Congress government in Himachal shaky, says BJP

Shimla: The opposition BJP on Saturday claimed that the Congress government in Himachal was shaky after the CBI filed a disproportionate assets case against...
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