JAMSHEDPUR: Union Minister and a key member of the Lokpal bill drafting committee, Salman KhurshidMonday said if Gandhian activist Anna Hazare sat on fast again to press for his demands, it would amount to a challenge to parliament.
Mr Kurshid also warned yoga guru Baba Ramdev to remain within the limits of democracy and indirectly challenged Anna and other civil society representatives to contest election to win people’s faith.
Addressing a press conference here, Mr Khurshid said, ”The government is in favour of a strong Lokpal bill. It would be tabled in the coming monsoon session of parliament, which was deferred for this purpose only.”Prior to being tabled the draft would be discussed with the representative of various political parties on July three and then It would be sent to the Union cabinet for further discussion.
Despite these sincere efforts if Anna goes for fast again from August 16, It won’t simply be an anti-government stance but a challenge to the authority of the parliament.
Mr Khurshid said, ”Once the bill is tabled the speaker and the House will decide the procedure to be followed. Like, whether it should be sent to the standing committee or not. I cannot say how much time it will take to get passed.”
The government showed very liberal and sensible attitude and took an unprecedented step to include unelected representatives of civil society in the committee formed to draft a bill. (PTI)