New Delhi: ML Dogra, Director, Athletics Federation of India on Friday said an amount of Rs 3.95 crore has been spent so far under ‘Operation Excellence for London Olympics 2012’ (OPEX 2012) Scheme for the training of thirty Athletes by twenty-six Coaches/Supporting Staff.
In a review meeting of the preparation for London Games, called by Sports Minister Ajay Maken, Dogra said the total duration of camp will be 365 days.
In the meeting, Maken also “emphasised that AFI needs to adopt a futuristic outlook besides focussing intensively on London Olympics Games so that talent pool in the country remains in proper circulation. Seeing to that, the sports minister said, more players must be included in the camps so that present strength of 30 (15 Men and 15 Women) is able to touch the sanctioned strength of 47.”
AFI director said “2012 might certainly prove to be a water-shed year for Indian Athletics as there is big chance of India registering its presence in medal tally in the London Olympic Games.” he said.
Dogra also gave the details of training of 8 Athletes currently undergoing training abroad under the aegis of National Sports Development Fund (NSDF) scheme.
The AFI Director mentioned that AFI is keeping a close watch on the performances of these athletes vis-a-vis the top athletes of the world so as to be able to make a realistic assessment of India’s chances in Olympics.
Eight athletes from India have already qualified for London Olympics. They are: Krishna Poonia (Discus throw), Mayookha Johny (Triple Jump & Long Jump), Tinku Luka (800 m), Vikas Gowda (Discus throw), Om Prakash Karhana (Shotput), Ram Singh Yadav (Marathon), Babubhai Panucha (20 km walk) and Gurmeet Singh (20 km race). AFI Director also stated that at least ten more athletes are likely to qualify for London events.
A total of seventeen athletes, three men and fourteen women, were in the Indian contingents in the Beijing Olympics, 2008. However, none of them were able to win any medal.
But the high time in Indian Athletic history came during the Commonwealth Games, 2010 when India won a total of 12 medals (2 Gold, 3 Silver and 7 Bronze) and during the Asian Games, 2010 in Guangzhou, China, India again won 12 medals, this time 5 Gold, 2 Silver and 5 Bronze. (UNI)