By Naba Bhattacharjee
A popular social worker approached me a few month’s back with a strange request, “I need your help for a bank financial solvency certificate”. “Why and for what purpose”? I enquired, a little surprised, since he has been working very sincerely with the economically weaker sections of society. “It seems the phase of serving the people is out and business is in”, I commented in a lighter vein. “No … in fact I have applied for a party ticket to contest the coming election”. “But what has the ticket to do with the certificate?” I asked both surprised and curious. “You see two other rich businessmen – both crorepatis are also seeking our party ticket from the same constituency and so…”. “But you are not competing in a tender or bid where such certificates are required”, I interrupted. “These days it is actually an auction. The person having the ability to spend a minimum two to three crore rupees is given preference. Bank pass books etc have to be produced whenever asked, whereas I do not have even a few lakhs … so a certificate, if accepted at all, is my only hope” he explained philosophically. I was sad at his quandary as he has the qualities to serve and represent the common man. “Don’t worry, your wealth is the trust and confidence of the people”, I comforted him, adding “Your party must realize that money alone cannot win elections”. I could learn from him that a sizeable number of “money bags” are entering the political arena. Currency is their only USP in managing a ticket for a ride of the political giant wheel. Success with a few crores of initial investment not only ensures astronomical rate of returns but unlimited power to match, for the next five years. Most parties prefer wealthy “ticket seekers” who will not ask for election expenditure but on the contrary donate generously to the party coffers or even sponsor a few candidates with the ticket to ride. The last I heard of the social worker was that he has been “convinced” to withdraw in favour of one of the crorepatis. He rides on a chauffeur driven latest SUV and banks woo him for credibility certificate to reach his benefactor. Taking the peoples’ trust and hope for a ride to obscurity.