There was yet another railway accident. The Hampi Express collision in Andhra Pradesh killed 25 passengers on Tuesday. The Railway network going back to the days of Lord Dalhousie is really in bad shape. The number of train accidents has remained high in the last three years. The death toll of accidents including those at level crossings was above three hundred in the last two years. It demonstrates an appalling lack of concern for safety. Railway personnel have been hit as well. 1,600 of them were killed on duty between 2007 and 2011.The highest number of casualties has been on rail tracks. The number went up from 12,972 in 2010 to 14,670 in 2011. The cause evidently is the inability of the Railways to get hold of sufficient funds to secure tracks to a safety level.
What is most disturbing is that the Railways are not nearly short of funds. As many as 1.26 lakh posts for safety personnel have been allowed to remain vacant. The salary and other benefits offered to those on the job are highly unsatisfactory. According to a CAG report, anti-collision devices installed on a trial basis proved less than reliable. The train protection and warning system does not meet necessary requirements. Politics must not be allowed to pollute the atmosphere of Indian Railways. Railway management should be provided with adequate funds. There should be greater autonomy in the management of railway affairs. The last Rail budget put on hold some necessary reforms. It was a pity.