Mumbai: The blame-game over Adarsh scam continued on Saturday with former Maharashtra CM Ashok Chavan pointing a finger at his predecessor Vilasrao Deshmukh, saying as revenue minister during the latter’s tenure it was beyond his jurisdiction to allot land to the society.
“All land allotment matters pertaining to Mumbai city, Mumbai suburb and Pune city comes under the jurisdiction of the CM irrespective of the value of the land. All matters pertaining to land allotment in rest of Maharashtra is under the jurisdiction of the revenue minister,” Chavan told the two-member inquiry commission probing the scam. Chavan was state revenue minister from October 1999 to January 2003 when Deshmukh was CM.
Deshmukh, during his stint as Chief Minister had issued Letter of Intent (LOI) in favour of allotting land to the Adarsh society. Noting that since he did not have to take the decision on allotting the land to the controversial society, Chavan said his department did not feel the need to bring to his notice that the land was in possession of the Local Military Authority.
In his deposition on Tuesday, Deshmukh had said he was not informed by the revenue department that the land where the building stands in upmarket Colaba was in possession of the Local Military Authority and a garden existed on the plot. During his deposition Deshmukh has said that Adarsh society had written a letter to him in June 2000 stating that its members had a meeting with revenue minister Chavan wherein it was agreed to include 40 per cent civilians as members. “I sent the letter to the revenue department”.
Chavan is the only former CM among the three under the scanner who has been made an accused in the case registered by the CBI in connection with the Adarsh scam. CBI has alleged that Chavan as revenue minister okayed inclusion of civilians in the society meant for Defence personnel and, as quid pro quo, his relatives got flats in the 32-storey plush building. Chavan’s deposition remained inconclusive and the Commission would record his statement again on Monday. (PTI