Imphal: India’s Foreign Secretary Ranjan Mathai said India will walk extra miles in order to maintain good relations with its neighbours. Inaugurating an international conference on “India and Her Neighbours: Revisiting Relations With Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Maldives”, Ranjan Mathai said,” India always gives higher priority to our neigbours.”
The two-day international conference hosted by Jadavpur Association of International Relations (JAIR) at Manipur University began on Friday. Manipur Education minister M Oken said India on Friday has become the vortex of global shifts in the geo-politcs, international trade and international diplomacy. “This is because of the rising importance of South Est Asia, China and South Asia, in global economic scenario of the future and because of this factor, on Friday India is perusing the so called Look East Policy”. (NNN)