JOWAI: West Jaintia Hills Police arrested two persons identified as Best Player Dkhar (21) and Andeilang Nangbah of Mukhap Village for their involvement in the desecration of the grave belonging to Late Qually Suiam, the former JHADC Chief who died recently and was buried at the cemetery of Mootyrshiah Presbyterian Church.
The VDP apprehended the duo and later handed them over to police at Raliang Outpost, the Rangbah Shnong of Mootyrshiah village informed.
The headman confirmed that Best Player Dkhar was mentally challenged but it was a known fact that he always cited the truth, thus adding substance to his confession of not being involved but assisting the miscreants as a watcher.
It may be mentioned here that Late Suian died on September 4 and following his burial, miscreants tried to desecrate his grave unsuccessfully.