New Delhi: BJP President Rajnath Singh on Sunday came out in support of former Army chief Gen V K Singh, who is under attack over the activities of a secret spy unit set up by him, saying the government was deliberately troubling all personalities who want to join the saffron party.
“Whatever V K Singh has said is correct. Why was no inquiry held against him when he was in service. Why are they getting into holding investigations one year after his retirement and that too soon after he shared the dais with Narendra Modi.
“Deliberately, the Congress-led UPA government is troubling eminent personalities who want to join BJP,” he said when asked to comment on V K Singh’s stand that he was being troubled for sharing dais with Modi, BJP’s Prime Ministerial candidate.
The BJP President was talking to reporters on the sidelines of a function where former Chief Minister of Bihar Satish Prasad joined the party.
However, he refused to comment when asked if the former Army chief was joining BJP in the near future.
Under attack over the purported activities of the Technical Support Division set up by him, Gen Singh has termed as “motivated” the charges against him. (PTI)