Aamir Khan-starrer action thriller Dhoom: 3 opened the way many had expected before its release. The film has collected more than Rs.35 crore on its opening day.
Dhoom: 3, that was made at an approximate budget of Rs.100 crore, has collected Rs.36.22 crore – Rs.33.42 crore in Hindi and Rs.2.80 crore in Tamil and Telugu, said a statement.
Trade analyst Taran Adarsh tweeted Saturday: “Dhoom: 3 emerges the biggest non-holiday opener ever.” Also featuring Abhishek Bachchan, Uday Chopra and Katrina Kaif, the movie with complicated stunts reportedly released in about 4,000 screens in India. “It is an extraordinary movie. Big names like Aamir Khan, Katrina Kaif are part of this Yash Raj film. It was also hyped by Bollywood fraternity. We got Rs.3.5 crore worth pre-booking. (IANS)