SHILLONG: In connection with the Lok Sabha elections, the District Election Officer, East Khasi Hills District has informed all Branch Managers of respective banks to monitor and submit a daily report on suspicious withdrawal of cash from bank account of any individual during the election process and report if there is an unusual and suspicious cash withdrawal or deposit cash in a bank account exceeding Rs 10 lakhs during the process of election, without any such instance of deposit or withdrawal during the last two months.
Unusual transfer of amount by RTGS from one bank account to the account of several persons in a district/constituency during the election process without any precedent of such transfer should be reported.
Any deposit of cash or withdrawal of cash exceeding Rs. 1 lakh from bank accounts of candidates or spouse or his dependents, as mentioned in the affidavit filed by candidates which is available in CEO’s website is to be brought to notice.
However, if the amount of cash deposit or withdrawal is more than 10 lakhs, then such information shall be passed on to the Nodal Officer of the Income Tax Department, for taking necessary action under the Income Tax Laws.