Bhagyashree, best known for playing the love interest of Salman Khan in the movie Maine Pyar Kiya, started her career with TV show Kachchi Dhoop and now she’s returning to her roots with Laut Aao Trisha. The actress is not ready to call it a “comeback” as she feels she’s always been in her fans’ hearts.
“I have never felt that I went away from my fans. I have always been in their heart and so I don’t like the word comeback,” Bhagyashree told reporters here while she was in the capital for the promotion of her forthcoming show, to be aired on Life OK starting July 21. An emotional thriller, Laut Aao Trisha is an intriguing story full of tricky plots and deals with “in family crimes”.
Talking about her role, the 45-year-old said: “I play the role of Amrita Swaikar, an adamant mother who begins a quest to search for her missing daughter. The story is bold and thrilling and will also touch the issues that plague the society in a manner that is sensitive yet thought provoking.
“Such scenarios make us wonder if there is really a city for girls in India.”
Born in a royal Marathi-speaking Patwardhan family, the actress says she wants to stand out by doing powerful roles and play substantial characters on the small screen.
“I don’t want to do regressive roles. I want to do strong substantial roles. It should excite me. And I don’t think that if I play a meek character, audiences will like it. They wouldn’t want me to do a weak character,” Bhagyashree said. Her decision to resume working was driven by her children’s request.
“My 19-year-old daughter went to London to pursue her studies last year and before she went, she took a promise saying, ‘We have really enjoyed the time that you spent with us but now you have to promise me that you will live your life for yourself. I want you to work. I want you to go and do what you have always enjoyed doing’,” she said. (IANS)